Sunday, March 15, 2009

Free Stuff!

This year at South by Southwest, the Etsy Austin team will be stuffing these awesome bags, handmade from upcycled T-Shirts, designed by yours truly, with promos and REAL goodies!  I am so amazed at my fellow crafters who will be stuffing these bags, not only with promo items, but with actual samples of their products.  This is your chance to be a VIP and receive an amazing swag bag.  If you're in the Austin area during SXSW, come out to our booth at Hill Country Weavers (on South Congress) on the weekends or look out for the group in our turquoise shirts loaded down with these bags!
Wanna make this super cool bag?  It only takes about five minutes, ok, ok, a bit longer if you include reading or watching the instructions, but it's super easy and the product is an ultra-hip bag that you can proudly say is upcycled and handmade by you!

Email me for instructions:
Include:  Name, Delivery Method (email/mail), Address (if applicable)

Watch the video:

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